Friday, November 26, 2010

I want a pre nuptial agreement (a letter from a young man to his family)

Dear Dad
Hope you are doing well and I hope things are well on the business side. I will be visiting India shortly and I know the family has lined up a few marriage proposals for me.  I think it should also be made clear to the prospective proposals that I want the bride to sign a prenuptial agreement before our marriage.

The reason I ask is because I plan to say in the United States where the divorce rate is high.  I don’t think that money should be the criteria in a marriage, but I also think that it would not be fair to the family, for her to have a stake on what the family has build up. By this I mean the property in India.

The prenup is just to protect the family assets which I will inherit some day.  Since we are just four cousins and will be inheriting the family’s assets I think my other cousins should also have a prenup before marriage.
What the pre-nup will state will be listed below
·       All family inheritances from either party will not be liable for division during a separation or divorce.
·       The spouse is not liable to receive proceeds from any venture prior to the marriage. This will include sale or purchase of assets or property held by one of the members of the contract.
·       Spouses shall not be held accountable for loans or debts of his or her spouse prior to the marriage.
·       Any trousseau received will be in the name of the party who it is given to or gifted to.
·       In the case of a trousseau the party who is bringing it into the relationship shall have absolute control over it. The other party will not have any say as to the investment of the assets from the trousseau unless requested by the party who is bringing it in to the relationship.
·       Neither part will be eligible for spousal support.
·       The parent having custody will receive support to bring up the children.
·       In the event of the demise of one of the people to the contract all the assets of the said person will be inherited by his/ her children
·       In the absence of children being born to the said parties of the contract. The property of the said part will be inherited by the other if they are still together.  If there is a separation or divorce all the assets will donated to a charity of his or her choice


  1. My comment got deleted. I don't think prenups really should have to happen. I am not really for or against them. If prenups are important to my future husband then I will sign one if not it doesn't really matter.

  2. I think he is a wise young man to get a prenup
