Friday, April 8, 2011

The First Cut Is the Deepest

The First cut is always the deepest.  This weekend I will try to forget the hurt of that cut cause I will be meeting one of the girls that my family has arranged my marriage with. We have been talking for a while but but meeting for the very first time.

This meeting is causing me to have Butterflies in your stomach. I shared my fears with my friends and a friend shared with me  a few lyrics from a song it went some thing like this Butterflies in your stomach You know, it could be worse Yeah,You could have a caterpillar up your nose. The song goes on to say how one can overcome the butterflies in your stomach.

I  guess its just normal to have a butterfly in your stomach, we just have to channel the butterflies to spread their wings and fly away.  I guess from my perspective the butterflies are mainly because of the fear of rejection.  The fear of rejection normally causes me to do crazy things,  I hope that changes.  

The one crazy thing I have realized is when some one gets close to me I tend to run away. Am i going to run away from  the situation cause I am scared of getting hurt? I am hoping this time I take the  risk and face my fears and don't run away cause I think there is a chance that some one will say no in the future. Why wont I realize that they are getting close to me to compliment me not hurt me. 

1 comment:

  1. Arranged marriages and personal choice marriages seem to both have the same success rate. Some of these are wonderful, happy relationships and some are truly not what we expected a relationship to be. So, I'm not sure in arranged or love marriages which is the best. Maybe either way it's the luck of the draw :)

